My name is Holden Charles Overbeck, I am 22 years old, and I… am a storyteller.
Born and raised in Long Island, NY- I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world these past few years, studying at several universities and conservatories including in California, Virginia, New York, and London. I’ve found throughout the course of my life’s journey that one dream has always remained constant, that being: to make movies. From a young age I have been enchanted by the big screen, as it has always provided me with role models to aspire towards, ideas to further explore & interrogate, and endless entertaining moments of movie magic. However, most importantly, cinema has always helped me in understanding the world, as it has been the one constant inspiration in guiding me towards becoming a better version of myself. From creating perception-altering realities, to exploring different aspects of what it means to be a human being, and maintaining the ability to ignite real world change- cinema is my obsession, passion, identity; and I believe it to be the quintessential art form of our time. In other words, cinema holds the keys to telling today's most powerful stories, making my ultimate goal as a storyteller to one day write, direct, and act in my very own feature film- to truly make my own movie…
The great Martin Scorsese once said, “Films have the power to capture dreams.” They certainly have captured mine- and I hope to one day make movies that capture the dreams of others.